Welcome to Light and Body.
Our slogan, "Lighten your world, Refresh your body, Renew your spirit".
Light and Body is a
trade name of the Moyer Family. Candle making has been a family hobby
for almost 30 years. We specialized in pillars and fancy decorative
candles from molds. Selling to friends, family and some country stores.
We have now expanded into all types of candles, and learned new things
every step of the way. Each type of candle is very unique, for example
you don't make pillar cadles like you do container candles, or tapers.
We have finally decided to make this much more than simply a hobby by
appearing in local craft shows and selling on the internet.
Our Products are produced to very high
standards. For examples with our candles, we use several custom wax
blends that you will not find in any other candles. Why? Because it is
a formula that Matthew developed and our suppliers produce the material
just for us. Our candles have just the right amount of hardness and
sheen to produce a wonderful long burning, and great scent throw candle
that is sure to please all. We take great care to use quality materials
and ingrediants in all of our product lines. We use the products
ourselves and we expect a good product just like you. With each of our
product lines we have taken great care in developing a formula that's
just the way we want. Our motto: "Quality, over Quanity." This can be a
lot of work, but our repeat customers thank us for taking these extra
We hope you enjoy all we have to offer and
please visit the "What we're working on" link to the left to see all we
are developing to become much more than simply candle makers. This site
has much more development to go. So some of our products are not online
yet. If there is a specific kind of
candle you want contact us we can probably produce it for you. Don't
forget to check our our Fragrence List as we have access to over 450
scents. We don't keep all 450 in stock so if one you really want one
that is marked not in stock contact us. If you would be willing to
purchase 2 or more candles of a fragrence we have access to but don't
carry we would be willing to buy it and produce the item for you.
Thanks for visiting,
Matthew, Sharon, Merle, & Ruth.